Tuesday 31 October 2017

Ancestry updates DNA platform ethnicity presentation

From Ancestry (www.ancestry.co.uk):

Your DNA story
From today, AncestryDNA results look slightly different. We’ve combined the ethnicity estimate with the sub-regions previously called ‘Communities’, to create one powerful view of your family’s origins.

Sub-regions are now listed under ethnicity regions – for example ‘Devon & Cornwall’ or ‘Wales & West Midlands’ under Great Britain. Some people will also see Migrations listed – for example, if you have family that travelled to the United States, you might see ‘Settlers of Northern Arkansas’. You can then learn more about how you’re connected to each group, and track your story over time.


AncestryDNA results now also include a timeline, revealing the key events that may have affected different parts of your family – and showing the people in your tree who were around at the time.

For more on AncestryDNA visit www.ancestry.co.uk/dna

COMMENT: So this is my new ethnicity map:

The break down is slightly confusing. When I click on the tabs showing me to be 52% Ireland/Scotland/Wales, 24% Great Britain and 18% Europe West, all of them basically tell me that my DNA has ancestry from those regions but that I am specifically linked to Scotland.

I think it is telling me that the non-indigenous percentages are likely part of my Scottish DNA make-up as derived further back in time from immigrant ancestry. Could now be the time when I 'trade in my lederhosen for a kilt'...?!
Interestingly the Scotland group tags in Nova Scotia in Canada within its reference population.

I'll have to get my head around what this is all actually trying to tell me - it's time to dig out Blaine Bettinger's book, and to get properly stuck into Ancestry's own help guide on all of this...!


My next 5 week long Scotland 1750-1850: Beyond the OPRs course commences Nov 6th 2017 - details at https://www.pharostutors.com/details.php?coursenumber=302. For my genealogy guide books, visit http://britishgenes.blogspot.co.uk/p/my-books.html, whilst details of my research service are at www.ScotlandsGreatestStory.co.uk. Further content is also published daily on The GENES Blog Facebook page at www.facebook.com/BritishGENES.


  1. No updates yet for US customers. However the sub regions are listed when you click see all regions.

  2. According to Ancestry the update is complete, I thought there must be some sort of mistake, so I called again. If you don’t have any sub regions assigned you aren’t going to have any assigned “until more people test”. So basically until the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.
